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Professional, yet targeted guidance at difficult moments in your life? It's possible! Sometimes you are looking for professional advice, sometimes it is support and sometimes it is guidance in a certain phase of your life. A push in the back or someone who understands you, without judgment. Who knows, maybe it is a different way to look at things or to be able to let go?


'The wound is where the light enters' says Rumi. Complaints and symptoms are often a reason to look at your life differently or to give your life a different turn. The deep listening ear, without judgment, together with an experienced advice can sometimes work wonders. Sometimes there are deep wounds that need healing and processing.


After an intake, we look at what suits you best or what you need most at the moment. Some people want to build peace into their lives, but don't know how. Some people want to find out what is causing their inner turmoil or dissatisfaction. And some want to change things but don't know where to start.

It is possible to take back the helm of your life through many techniques.
We are happy to help you with that.


Target audience

Young people, young adults, adults, families


Registration complaints

Child-parent problems, upbringing, ADHD, depression, psychosomatic complaints, cancer support, anxiety, fear of commitment, hyperventilation, gender, personal development, racism, identity problems, self-esteem, family problems, coping with a breakup, choice difficulties, emotional problems, burnout


Consult type

Family counseling and therapy, group therapy, individual therapy


System therapy

Form of therapy in which problems are tackled by taking into account the context in which the individual functions. All kinds of interactions take place within this context. These can follow a certain pattern, creating or influencing problems.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a trauma therapy. It changes the emotional intensity of old memories through eye movements and other methods of activating the natural processing system.

Family therapy

A form of contextual therapy in which the entire family is guided by a therapist. It looks for patterns and positions that live within the family and the effect they have on the individual. This creates new insights and visions of problems, themselves and others, so that they can deal with each other in a different way.


Psychological counseling, usually as talk therapy, with the aim of treating mental or physical complaints and social or emotional difficulties.

Through a conversation, the therapist and the client look for insights, recognition and solutions.


You can contact us for an appointment by telephone, e-mail or via the contact form .

In the short term, an attempt will be made to schedule a first appointment for an exploratory meeting.


It is possible to have an interview in Dutch, Turkish and English.


The therapy can continue in practice or via video call.

The Neva psychotherapy practice is shared with other therapists.

It is easily accessible by public transport and by car and is wheelchair accessible.


Individual therapy (60 €) - also possible via video call

Repayment options can be obtained from the health insurance fund to which one is affiliated.


Accredited psychologist, registration number psychologist committee: 762111273

Accredited psychologist at CM

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